Mar 21: Staggered Bell Schedule Update

Important Update:
First, we appreciate the feedback we received at the two community forums, via phone, informal meetings, social media, and by email. It is comforting to know that we live and work in a community that not only professionally discusses issues but also has the passion to ensure that we continue to make strides toward improving the educational experience for our students. Although it was sometimes a bit uncomfortable, we were grateful for the input and are confident that it will enable DCPS to improve daily.

With that said, it is crucial to recognize that when proposals do not garner stakeholder support, we must be able to pivot and find a new way forward.  The Staggered Bell Schedule has proven to be the answer to the late bus problem in some communities, but it does not seem to be a good fit for Dinwiddie.  Therefore, we will immediately refocus our efforts to explore other options to ease the late bus dilemma.

We will hold our feedback forum next Thursday, March 27th, with a focus on brainstorming alternative options to address our late bus issue. Once again, we would like to thank all of you who have shared your thoughts over the past few weeks.